Monday, February 1, 2010

January books in review. :)

I was supposed to post this yesterday - but I just blanked on the day. :) So here is a re-cap of the books I read for January 2010.

5 Stars

They Call Me Death - Missy Jane
Three Days to Dead - Kelly Meding
Divine By Mistake - P C Cast
Betrayals - Lili St. Crow
On the Edge - Ilona Andrews
Now & Then - Jacqueline Sheehan
The Cold Room - J T Ellison

4 Stars

Tempt Me With Darkness - Shayla Black
Crossing the Bridge - Michael Baron
Deadtown - Nancy Holzner

3 Stars

Night's Cold Kiss - Tracey O'Hara
The Girl Made of Cool - Alan Fox

2 Stars

Blue Diablo - Ann Aguirre

I had a pretty good reading month. :)



Missy Jane said...

5 stars for They Call Me Death? Whoohoo!! Thank you!!

Michelle Greathouse said...

Missy Jane,

You are very welcome. It was an awesome read. I'm hoping for a sequel.....hint, hint. LOL

Have a wonderful day.


Author Missy Jane said...

Michelle, the sequel is in the works. I'm on the third version...sigh. All I can really tell you at this point is that it's Lance's and Emily's story ;)
I haven't been satisfied with anything but the prologue. Feel free to take a peek: