Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 2010 Reading Re-Cap

Here we are, the end of another month and for me, the beginning of the countdown to the holidays.  Yes, I said holidays - I have already started Christmas shopping.  :)  But we won't get too far ahead of ourselves...

Here is a re-cap of the books I read this month.

5 Stars

The Strain - Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan
Sin Undone - Larissa Ione
Demon From the Dark - Kresley Cole
First Drop of Crimson - Jeaniene Frost

4 Stars

Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
Sacrifice - Dakota Banks
Backstage Pass - Olivia Cunning

3 Stars

Tracking the Tempest - Nicole Peeler
Blaze of Memory - Nalini Singh
When Blood Calls - J K Beck

2 Stars

Harmony's Way - Lora Leigh


Succubus in the City - Nina Harper

How was your month?



Blodeuedd said...

Good month, well except for that 1.

My month was excellent, and I think the zombie book was the best of the bunch ;)

Michelle Greathouse said...


Yay! Zombies! :)


Julia Rachel Barrett said...

I like your brief summary! I've read three books, all nonfiction, all great - Catching Fire, How Cooking Made Us Human - one of the best books I've read in a long time.
Spice, The History of a Temptation - very, very good.
And The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication.
When I'm writing, I read nonfiction. I read fiction during down times.

SusiSunshine said...

Ohhhh great month you had there. Mine wasn't bad either.
Let's hope October will be at least as good as September.