Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

I've read Ms. Collins Sonja Blue series and enjoyed it quite a bit. I am looking forward to to her take on Urban Fantasy with Right Hand Magic.

Book Blurb:

Like most Manhattanites, aspiring artist Tate can't resist a good rental deal-even if it's in the city's strangest neighborhood, Golgotham, where for centurie
s werewolves, centaurs, and countless other creatures have roamed the streets.

Her new landlord is a sorcerer name Hexe, who is determined to build his reputation without using dark, left-hand magic. As Tate is drawn into Hexe's fascinating world, they both find that the right hand does not always know what the left hand is doing-and avoiding darkness is no easy trick...

Release Date: 12-07-10



Blodeuedd said...

Nice WOW MIchelle!
I had not heard about this one and it sounds good

Michelle Greathouse said...

Thanks B. :)