Saturday, August 20, 2011

In My Mailbox: 08-20-11

In My Mailbox is a feature that was started over at The Story Siren. Each week we share what we bought, borrowed from the library or received in the mail.

Here is what I received this last week: 

For Review:

Embrace the Highland Warrior - Anita Clenney
Where Demons Fear to Tread - Stephanie Chong
The Paladin - Ken Newman
Paradise 21 - Aubrie Dionne
Fallen - Traci L. Slatton
A Bitter Truth - Charles Todd
The Most Dangerous Thing - Laura Lippman

Thanks to SourceBooks, Mira & PTA Reviewer Rewards, Entangled Publishing, William Morrow, FSB Media, and author Ken Newman.


Ghosts & Echoes - Lyn Benedict

I am so excited to read these books.  I now call the UPS truck the Book Mobile and I love when it pulls in the drive.  :)


Blodeuedd said...

Lol, and I hate my fedex guys because can't they just show up in the evening

Grace Fonseca said...

Excellent selection of books. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love. Most of my books this week came from the convention that I went to last weekend, so there was a lot of books.

Sara M said...

I look forward to your review of Where Demons Fear to Tread. I've seen the cover around, but haven't heard much about it yet.

I can always hear when the mailman drives by, along with UPS/FedEx and get excited even if I'm not expecting books. There's also a truck down the street that sounds like UPS that likes to trick me. Lol.

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Book Mobile. Ha. That's great.

Lots of goodies this week. Enjoy!

Goldilox said...

Nice group for the week!

New follower here. :)

Here's my IMM:


Bex said...

Great week! I too have Paradise 21 to read! Enjoy your books! :)

My IMM can be found here!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great stack. Enjoy!