Monday, October 31, 2011

October Reading Re-Cap

The end of this month snuck up on me.  I was honestly thinking I had one more day and then had to hurry to get this post together.  Not like me to wait until the last minute.  :)

So here is a re-cap of what I read and reviewed for the month of October:

5 Stars
The Night Eternal - Toro & Hogan
Ghost Files - Hawes & Grant
Bite Club - Rachel Caine

4 Stars
Born at Midnight - C C Hunter
Matched - Ally Condie
Bloodstone - Nancy Holzner
Unleashed - Sara Humphreys
The Shadow Reader - Sandy Williams
Thief - Anitra Lynn McLeod
Blood Eternal - Marie Treanor
Blood Sin - Marie Treanor
Blood on Silk - Marie Treanor
Ashes, Ashes - Jo Treggiari

3 Stars
Crossed - Ally Condie
Crazy in Paradise - Deborah Brown
The Lost - Caridad Pineiro
The Goblin King - Shona Husk
Dead Mann Walking - Stefan Petrucha
Sins of the Angels - Linda Poitevin

How was your reading month?

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