Thursday, January 12, 2012

Review: The Bride Wore Black Leather by Simon R Green

The Bride Wore Black Leather is the twelfth book in the Nightside series by Simon R Green and an ACE Fantasy.

Book Blurb:

In the secret heart of London, under the cover of endless darkness, the Nightside caters to anyone with any unusual itch that needs to be scratched. But enter at your own risk. The party animals who live here may be as inhuman as their appetites... 

My name is John Taylor. The Nightside is my home. I didn't plan it that way. In fact, I once tried to get away. But I came back. And now it seems I'm settling down, with a full-time job (in addition to my work as a very private eye) as Walker-the new Voice of the Authorities in the Nightside-and a wedding in the offing. 

I'm marrying the love of my life, Suzie Shooter, the Nightside's most fearsome bounty-hunter. But nothing comes easy here. Not life. Not death. And for certain, not happily-ever-after. Before I can say  I do,  I have one more case to solve as a private eye-and my first assignment as Walker. 

Both jobs would be a lot easier to accomplish if I weren't on the run, from friends and enemies alike. And if my bride-to-be weren't out to collect the bounty on my head... 

My thoughts:

After years of service to the citizens of the Nightside, John Taylor is hanging up his PI hat.  His new gig is that of Walker - the representative of the Authorities in the Nightside - not a gig John would have chosen for himself.

But the Nightside has a way of having its’ way with you.

Thinking to close up shop with one last PI gig - John chooses to respond to an anonymous tip about an immortality serum.  He ends up gate crashing the Ball of Forever - and things head down hill from there pretty quickly.

Now John is caught up in trying to solve a double murder, stop The Sun King and prove himself innocent of killing one of Nightside’s most prominent citizens...

...and get to the wedding in time.

A novel in the Nightside series is always a great read.  I am always entertained and surprised by the citizens that call Nightside home.

I give The Bride Wore Black Leather 4 out of 5 stars.

Product Details
Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Ace Hardcover (1-3-12)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1937007138
ISBN-13: 978-1937007133


Blodeuedd said...

12! Oh, another series way ahead of me

LoveOfBooks said...

Oh wow, I have to check this series out!