Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Review: Intervamption by Kristin Miller

Intervamption is the first book in the Vampire’s of Crimson Bay series by Kristin Miller and a Paranormal Romance from Avon Impulse.

Book Blurb:


Either one or both of your parents has vampire blood. Welcome to the vampire race

Please keep a few things in mind as you ease into the most difficult phase of your life:

1. Light sensitivity, humming teeth, and stomach pains are completely normal. You'll also be faster, stronger, and sexy as hell (if you're lucky).

2. You'll bloodlust and go crazy if you deny your body's urge for blood. Why fight it?

3. Do not pierce the skin of a mundane involuntarily. We're not animals and will not behave as such.

4. Therians, our shapeshifting brethren, cannot be trusted. Their loyalties shift as often as their identities.

And finally,

5. Lighten up - you're not dead.

Contact Dylan, owner of ReVamp, in Crimson Bay, California, for more information.

My thoughts:

Dylan’s father opened ReVamp some years ago as a means for vampire’s to obtain ‘nourishment’ without having to resort to breaking the law - and incurring the wrath of the Therians.

Upon his death, Dylan took over.  Now she is not only supplying blood, she is also working to find out why the blood ReVamp supplies is actually weakening the vampire’s that drink it.

Slade is a Therian, a one time Assassin - on the front lines of the Therian/Vampire war.  He has been given a chance to redeem his Assassin status with one mission: shift into a vampire and infiltrate the local khiss to gather intel that will turn the tide of war in favor of the Therians.

No problem.

Except it’s a suicide mission - and Slade has been set up...

Intervamption is a enjoyable read.

I feel like the book blurb does the book a disservice - it makes it sound like one of those fun and quirky reads.  It’s not.

Intervamption is full of steamy scenes and plenty of action.

I give Intervamption 3 out of 5 stars.

Product Details
Mass Market Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Avon Impulse (August 9, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062115731
ISBN-13: 978-0062115737


Jen at Red Hot Books said...

I absolutely agree about the blurb. I felt the same way. And they do it again on the sequel.

Kristin Miller said...

Hi Michelle! Thanks for the great review. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

I'm working on Last Vamp Standing, the third book in the series. Let's hope I can get a better (and more fitting) blurb onto the back this time. :)

Michelle Greathouse said...


I'm so glad you agree about the blurb. I enjoyed it well enough to want to read the sequel.


Michelle Greathouse said...


You are more than welcome.

Best to you on book three - blurb and all. :)