Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Book Cover: Kitty's House of Horrors

This is the UK cover version of the 7th book in the Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn.

Due out January of 2010.

Book blurb forthcoming.

I'm looking forward to the US cover version.


Anna said...

Hey Michelle,

I agree with you on the covers. I think the previous ones are way better.

SciFiGuy said...

Too subdued to match up with the other books. Are you sure this isn't a UK version of the planned cover?

Michelle Greathouse said...

Doug I went back and double checked and you are right - this is the UK version. LOL I'll do better next time.

Anna I'm looking forward to seeing the US version - it should fit in better with the rest of the series.


Donna said...

I usually like a lot of the UK covers better than the US covers but this is one of those times, I can say I really don't like the UK cover much. Hopefully, the US version will be more in line with the past covers. Thanks for sharing.